Environmental Responsibility at Sea

A component of The Ship Safety Suite, Environmental Responsibility begins with a discussion of the value of the sea in moderating our climate, supporting global commerce and providing mankind with food, recreation and enormous natural beauty. It discusses the commercial seaman’s unique responsibility for protecting the environment that provides his or her livelihood. The program goes on to cover climate change, marine litter, ballast water, oil and other liquid pollutants, and toxic substances like TBT. 15 min. DVD-Video

Program Modules:

Ship Safety Orientation
Welcome Aboard
Ship Familiarization
Maritime Security
The HSSE Management System
Safety & Survival at Sea
Safety on the Job
Basic Seamanship
Accident & Injury Reporting
Onboard Emergencies
Zero Tolerance Policy
Environmental Management

The Program of Shipboard Safety
The Chain of Accountability
Defined Responsibilities
Managing the Task
Near Miss Reporting
Hazards & Risks
Job Hazard Analysis
Permits to Work

Onboard Lockout Tagout
Your Vessel’s Energy Control Program

Environmental Responsibility
Valuing the Sea
Climate Change
Marine Litter
Ballast Water
Oil and Other Liquid Pollutants
TBT and Other Toxic Substances
DVD Video., 20:06.

Ship Safety Suite